The research group of the Unmanned Vehicles Robotarium Systems lab is mainly composed of researchers, scientific personnel and graduate (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) students. Since its creation in 2004, the Lab has trained several students working on diverse areas of unmanned vehicle systems. If you would like to know about our past projects and the students that worked on such developments please check our "Former Students" webpage.
The current team members of the lab are listed below ( R&D Fellows: 3 ; Ph.D.: 9 ; M.Sc.: 4 ; B.Sc.: 3 ):
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Alex Ramirez-Serrano, P.Eng.
Professor / Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering / Director UVS Robotarium Lab.
Office: MEB-523
Laboratory (Robotarium): EEEL-124 & EEEL-125
Post-Doc, Control & Robotics - Argonne National Laboratory - U.S.A. (2002)
Ph.D., Mechanical & Industrial Eng - University of Toronto (UofT) - Canada (2000)
M.Sc., Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Monterrey Tech (ITESM) - Mexico (1996)
M.Sc., Mechanical & Aerospace Eng - Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) - U.S.A. (1993)
B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering - Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM) - Mexico (1992)
Post-doctoral / R&D Fellows:
Maryam Taherinezhad
Project: Control allocation formulations for INDI control architectures applied to highly maneuverable UAVs with dynamic coupling.
Wei Jia
Student, Northwestern Polytechnic
Project: Locomotion control of humanoid robots via smart ROS software with advance body posture adaptation.
Mohammed Arafat
Student, Military technical College
Project: Electronic navigation and guidance system capable of running INDI control strategies via a Pixhawk 6C autopilot.
Ph.D. Students
Melina Varguez R.
Student in BIomendical Eng.
Thesis: Bio-engineering humanoid motions.
Develop bio-engineering motion adaptation approaches for humanoids maneuvers.
Marshall Staples
Co-supervisor Dr. Chris Hugenholtz
Thesis: Sniffer drone.
Develop UAV navigation methodologies for the detection of fugitive emissions.
Pablo Segura Parra
Co-supervisor: Dr. Ma. Lobato Calleros Student at the Univ. Iberoamericana
Thesis: Human-robot interaction (HRI) study.
Study & development of HRI interaction mechanisms for industrial applications.
Abdallah Dayhoum
Thesis: Unsteady Aerodynamics of Rotary Wings.
Non-linear unsteady aerodynamic investigation of rotary wings.
Mahyar Ashkvari
Thesis: Full-body motion planning of hybrid robots
Modeling, control, and planning of search & rescue multi-legged robots for confined spaces.
Hossein Keshavarz
Thesis: Perceptive whole-body planning.
Whole-body planning for multi-legged robots in 3D confined unstructured confined spaces.
Chanhong Park
01/2022-to start
Co-supervisor: Dr. Mahdis Bisheban
Thesis: Control of highly maneuverable VTOL.
Control/Path planning of thrust vectoring drones for operation in GPS-denied confined spaces.
Amir Gholami
Thesis: Multi-contact control of legged robots.
Control of acrobatic biped & quadruped robots operating in unstructured spaces.
Liam Rene Roy
Supervisors: Dr. D. Kulic, Dr. E. Croft,
Student at Monash Univ, Australia
Thesis: LLM-generated Nonverbal Expressions:
To communicate functional states for improved human-robot collaboration.
M.Sc. Students
Keilan Pieper
Co-supervisor: Dr. Craig Johansen
Thesis: Control of a supersonic UAV.
PID & INDI control architecture assessment for small scale supersonic UAVs.
Anastasia Johnson
Thesis: Locomotion transition of hybrid robots.
Develop locomotion transition strategies for hybrid robots operating in confined spaces.
Stefan Van de Mosselaer
Thesis: Aggressive locomotion of legged robots.
Aggressive locomotion for high-speed 14+ DOF quadruped robots to overcome large obstacles
Leo Agrusti
Student at HSE-SO Switzerland
Thesis: Highly articulated Quadruped robot.
Software & hardware navigation and motion planning mechanisms for high DOF robots.
B.Sc. Students
Mohanned Saidani
Project: High-speed quadruped robot.
Electronic system design for high-speed legged robots having manipulation capabilities.
Shashwat Ganesh
Project: Locomotion software for humanoids.
Development of ROS packages for the locomotion of life size humanoid robots.
Anshul Madurwar
Project: High-speed multi-legged robots.
Electronic system design for a high-speed multi-legged robots (perception).
“Nothing is impossible !"
In this research lab. we aim to develop technologies to ensure that unmanned vehicles can deal with unexpected situations (changes, errors, etc.) or tasks that challenge their sensing, modeling, planning, adaptation, or movement envelopes.
We are working to realize fully autonomous robots with effective human-robot interaction capabilities
for operations in unstructured hazardous confined GPS-denied spaces.
Dr. Alex Ramirez-Serrano
Director of the Unmanned Vehicles Robotarium laboratory